PR is the new SEO

Social media for SEO

PR is the new SEO

The latest of Google’s search algorithms seems to be the one causing the most headaches for SEO specialists, and this is because it focuses mostly on content rather than technical coding. This is an opportunity for PR specialists and copywriters, who are adept at developing key messages and writing audience-focused content. Who better to write fantastic keyword-focused web content?

Not only can the PR professional create SEO efficient copy for your website they can also incorporate your keywords into your online and offline communications to create a truly integrated package to promote not only what your business is about but also help you attract new customers.

Five SEO tips to get you started:

Regularly create new keyword rich content

I recommend having a blog, a portfolio or a testimonials section on your website – this is a great way of creating new copy. You can also add new general content and update existing content.

Design your website content to be Google-friendly

Think carefully about content – include your keywords within all titles, images, and copy. Try and avoid large images and flash animations. Google does however like video and YouTube. Here’s some more tips on creating a website that will generate business leads.

Avoid duplicate content

Google has been known to down-rank websites that have relied on ‘spam sites’ to distort Google results, and even innocent repetition of content to enhance the occurrence of your keywords can affect your Google search ranking.

Link to other websites to gain Google credibility

The best way to do this is by commenting on and creating bylined content on reputable websites by way of blogs or articles. Links to your website from Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn also help and don’t forget to add your business to Google Business.

Commission a PR professional who understands SEO

Ask them to create keyword-optimised website copy that responds to the technological requirements of SEO. The content is likely to be more ‘human’ and audience-focused too, and they can integrate your SEO with your wider communications activities.

This may sound easy but in reality, it’s not. SEO is a continual task and it swallows up time. It can be difficult to find the right partner to undertake your SEO and many companies pay thousands of pounds a year to SEO firms and often don’t get much return on their investment. SEO is about understanding the current trends and how to use them to your benefit. Those who include SEO in their content-driven communications strategy will achieve the best results.

If you’d like to chat more about SEO, PR and how it affects your business marketing then give Amplify PR a call.
