3 reasons why your customers find listening to podcasts a cinch
Podcasts are booming. According to Podcast Insights, there are more than 2 million series in 2021 compared to 550,000 in 2018. That’s one serious leap in podcasters, the topics being covered and the number of people hitting the download button. This leaves no doubt that your customers listen to podcasts.
But what makes them so popular? Essentially they’re easy listening. And for businesses, they present a ripe opportunity to grow an engaged and loyal customer base.
Are you tapping into this popular content marketing tool?
Why are podcasts effective?
Podcasts are packed with information delivered in an entertaining and engaging format. Add in a bit of marketing magic and there’s potential to reach new leads and boost sales.
Here’s why podcasts appeal to listeners, including your customers:
1. They are authentic
People like doing business with people. And the next best thing to speaking to someone in person is listening to their voice. It’s a very different experience to reading a webpage or blog post and it gives an audience a stronger affinity with the podcast creator.
So, podcasts allow you to build relationships with customers on a more intimate level. They feel like they know the personality behind the brand.
2. They are easily accessible
It takes minimal effort to listen to a podcast on a smartphone or in a car thanks to interfaces like Apple CarPlay.
This means people can download a podcast and can listen to it anywhere at any time. Even when they’re offline.
3. Listeners can get involved
While the act of listening to a podcast isn’t two-way, you can invite listeners to get in touch, ask questions and suggest ideas for future episodes. This gives your audience a sense of ownership over the podcast, breeding loyalty and advocacy.
Successful podcasters have communities around them. Their fans discuss the content on other platforms, like social media, because they want to connect with like-minded people.
If your customers listen to podcasts it makes sense that your business should be using them as part of its content marketing strategy.
You might also like to read our posts about how to set up a podcast for your business and topic ideas to generate sales.
If you want to find out more about the benefits of podcasts and marketing content get in touch with Amplify PR.